Tuesday, February 25, 2014


Today we read 'Mortimer' to kids in grade 4 over Skype. It was different experience. We read to kids that we knew nothing about and their reactions were great. Their facials were so funny. I love reading to kids because they're always get so involved into the story and they just enjoy them. 
Today when we were reading to grade 4s they joined us in when we had to 'stomp' and 'shake our head' it was adorable to see how kids enjoy short stories such as Mortimer. L

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Quick Write - image

I saw this image and I saw a finger print. But not an ordinary finger print. I thought, because this has different colors it represents how every person has their own original finger print and this one was colorful. To me this represents that everyone has their own originality and because this one is so colorful I thought that this person is a very happy, exciting person. 

Quick write- dream, love, talent.

Talent- making friends. 
Because I move so much I've learned how to be bubbly and outspoken. My personality is based off of making friends, because if my parents never moved so much I wouldn't know how to be so loud and talkative. I think my life would be completely different if I was shy and didn't move to different places. 
Therefore if I ever had to give up my so called 'talent' I wouldn't be the person that I am today. I'm not afraid of walking up to someone and starting a conversation, just thinking about not being able to make speeches infront of big groups of people scares me. I think I would be the type of person who would get anxiety if I had to make conversation and new friends. 
Losing someone I love or my dream would affect it in so many ways. I don't think that you can be completely successful when you're a very quiet person. I feel like you have to have the drive and be loud to get what you want, to be successful you need to be heard. 
Living without three important  things that shape you as a person would be difficult because for me, I push myself off of my talent.  By being talkative and being able to make friends I will be heard and I'll be successful. I have people in my life that love me and push me to succeed. 

Quick write -which door?

I would go through the Narnia door, because in Narnia time goes by fast and you experience a different world. I think it would be really great to experience something different and explore a different world with talking animals and literally living trees. I think having a closet that leads you to a secret world to escape whatever you have going on and when you come back everything is the same would lead a very interesting life style. 

Thursday, February 13, 2014


Going to concerts and meeting bands is one of my interests and you'll find me going to concerts quite often, and this concert was the best concert that I have been to by far. I am also in this picture (see if you can find me)
 The Maine 06.19.2013 photo by Jay Obyrne. 

Wednesday, February 12, 2014